মঙ্গলবার, ৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১১

Nokia Mobile Secret Codes




*#06# IMEI
*#0000# view Software Version
*#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] secret menu:
1. Displays Serial Number
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased
4. Displays the date of last repairment - if found (0000)
5. Makes you capebel of transferring user data
6. Shows how many hours the phone has been on

*3370# Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation
#3370# Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation
*4370# Half Rate Codec activation
#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation
xx# - xx position in Phone Book

NOKIA 9000

*#06# IMEI
*#682371158412125# soft version
*#3283# prod. date

NOKIA 7650

*#7979# phone reset
*#7470# hard reset
*#7370# master reset (like new phone)

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